Saskatchewan’s Wall doling out dough

Well, people of Saskatchewan and the world, it’s looking like we have a real nuclear war accelerating in this province!  Our new premier, Mr. Brad Wall, is appointing high-falutin’, exhorbitantly high-paid, pro-nuke managers and assistants all over the place.  And, he has the nerve to cry about the cupboards being bare!

Here’s what Eye on Saskatchewan has to say about some of the Wall shenanigans:

Shortly (and I really mean shortly) after been sworn in as the new Premier, Brad Wall claimed that Calvert and the NDP left the cupboard bare and that some belt tightening would have to be done. Wall claims that the “province’s books are not in good order, and that the future looks pretty stark.” Wall also would not rule out job cuts in the future when he was pressured by reporters.

Let us call that one “Heads”

Today,it was announced in the Leader Post, that Iain Harry will be joining Premier Wall’s team at measly $12,500 a month; Reg Downs ,Wall’s chief of staff at $13,693 a month; Terri Harris, deputy chief of staff at $10,900 per month; Ian Hanna, premier’s communications adviser at $9,600 per month; Kathy Young, executive director of communications at $9,900 per month; Terri Gudmundson, executive director of house business at $9,600 per month; James Saunders, senior policy adviser at $8,155 per month and Joe Donlevy; who was chair of the Saskatchewan Party election campaign, as special adviser to Wall at a salary of $12,500 per month.

Let us call that one “Tails”

So this is where I could use a little help….. could someone please flip the coin so that I can figure out if the cupboards are bare and we need to prepare the Saskatchewan people for possible jobs cuts…. or is the cupboard full enough that we can pay exorbitant salaries for our friends and widen the gap between the rich and the rest of us, forgetting middle and working class families!

Oh, while your flipping that coin, could you also let me know why the CFIB, CTF and NSBA were so upset and concerned over the severance pay of the Legislature staff and yet they are not saying a word about these salaries?

Let us always remember and never forget that what Brad Wall has learned about politics, he learned from the Grant Devine and Brian Mulroney administrations.

Canada Aglow for Dubya’s GNEP

Deeper and deeper we move into the arms of the failing democracy dubbed the U.S.A. Fools and fascists, all those who make these ridiculous deals!

Canada to join controversial nuclear partnership

OTTAWA – The Conservative government announced today that Canada is joining an international nuclear club that’s drawn fierce criticism from environmentalists.

The unexpected public declaration follows months of stone-walling and denials by government ministers and departmental officials, who refused to comment on Canada’s assessment of the U.S.-led Global Nuclear Energy Partnership.

Lots of people who know more than me have expressed grave concerns about this plan.

“Canada is recognized for its commitment to (nuclear) safety and non-proliferation,” Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier said in a release.

“By joining this partnership, we are making sure Canada can continue to be an effective advocate for those ideals.”

But we know that nuclear is not safe. Is Bernier unable to read or make sense of this?

The concept would see nuclear energy-using countries and uranium-exporting countries band together to promote and safeguard the industry. But the plan is highly controversial because it proposes re-using nuclear waste, a practice effectively banned in Canada and the United States since the 1970s for security reasons.

So they’re going to break laws or make new ones that contravene the old ones.

As the world’s largest uranium exporter, Canada could be taking on a huge responsibility to deal with nuclear waste from around the world.

“It’s totally undemocratic and unaccountable of this government to take such an enormous decision to re-import nuclear waste into our country without involving Canadians,” said NDP environment critic Nathan Cullen.

An official in Natural Resource Minister Gary Lunn’s office insisted the GNEP model no longer includes repatriating waste.

“There is nothing in the GNEP statement of principles that compels Canada or any other country to take back spent fuel,” Louise Girouard said in an email. “Canada does not import spent fuel and we will not do so.”

And we’re supposed to believe that? You’ve gotta be kidding me!!!

Dave Martin of Greenpeace Canada said that sounds like “GNEP Lite” and called it “definitely without question the worst of both worlds” – nuclear proliferation without control of the fuel cycle.

The issue was central to last week’s Australian election, where long-standing prime minister John Howard was turfed from office after signing on to the GNEP without public debate in September.

The technology issue alone is a major headache for Canada.

Internal government documents obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act suggest AECL’s CANDU technology was shut out of initial GNEP discussions.

Lunn announced Thursday, in concert with the decision to join GNEP, that AECL’s future is up for grabs.

“It is time to consider whether the existing structure of AECL is appropriate to the changing marketplace,” Lunn said in the government release.

He announced a review of the Crown corporation.

There’s been talk of selling AECL since June 2006

The sudden embrace of the GNEP marks a sharp reversal for a government that initially refused in September even to say whether it would send officials to an international planning meeting on the partnership.

If you believed for a moment, that the Old Con Government of Canada would not join GNEP, pray, do tell, on what planet do you live?

Minor flood?!?

There is no way we can allow expansion of the uranium industry in this province!  It’s already made enough of a mess.  And now, Cameco makes more of a toxic mess in Saskatchewan’s north.  Seriously folks, radioactive water floods a place and it’s minor?

Cameco deals with minor flood at Rabbit Lake

Last Updated: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 | 1:59 PM CT

Cameco is trying to mop up a minor flood at one of its northern Saskatchewan uranium mines.

Water is seeping into the Eagle Point mine at Cameco’s Rabbit Lake operation. The Saskatoon-based uranium giant says the flow of water is 40 to 50 cubic metres per hour.

At that rate, it would take about two days to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

The company has the ability to get the water out, but a surface pump is in the middle of an upgrade so Cameco is scaling back work in some areas of the mine.

“We are closely monitoring … the water and of course it’s all being sent for treatment or being stored in designated areas underground,” said Cameco spokesman Lyle Krahn.

Ultimate Inconvenient Truth

 From an edgy writer, Ace Hoffman, in MWC News – A Site Without Borders – – The Green Revolution: Why it cant wait:

…If you think Al Gore will help clean up the environment, think again.  Al Gore thinks nukes can be part of the solution to global warming — but he says he believes they can play “only a small role.”  Because he’s subtle about his support for nuclear power, many would-be environmental activists are sucked in by his ruse, believing that we can let nuclear power continue to be a part of the mix — as long as its portion doesn’t go up.

The truth is: That’s not nearly good enough.  And a meltdown is the ultimate inconvenient truth…

Racism Alive and Thriving in the RCMP & the SPP?

I haven’t heard much about the BRAR vs RCMP or the Dr. Chander Grover cases at all in the MSM.  Some info, including the media addresses to which this information has been passed, is below.  It would seem, in light of recent events, that our mainstream media are complicit, then, in maintaining our corrupt police force.  And that corrupt force is party to negotiations on a continental Security and Prosperity Partnership.  Aye karumba, folks!  Are we in for it!

Subject: Shameful Cases of Exclusion and Abuse
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:06:48 -0200

Mahasti Khakpour, Project Coordinator
“Making Canada Inclusive and Safe’ Conference
Saskatoon,  Saskatchewan

Dear Ms Khakpour:
We received a brochure of your conference and it looks very good. I, personally am unable to attend the conference, however, we are assisting with several Human Rights cases,
two of which fit very well with the theme; BRAR vs RCMP and GROVER vs NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA.    ( we urgently ask for your participants’ help) 
           Sgt. Yarinder Singh Brar‘s treatment by the RCMP casts a stain on the force and impairs it’s ability to serve all Canadians in a fair, equitable and competent manner. Sgt. Brar is an immigrant member of the RCMP, of the Sikh faith, who came to Canada in 1975.

           In 1987, after graduating at the top of his class, Sgt. Brar became an officer with the Halton Police Service. While serving there, he was recognized for a number of accomplishments; among other things , he 
initiated the Halton Ethnic Liason Program to attract more minorities to the force and he also received the Chief’s certificate for outstanding service.

            In 1989, with deep regret, he resigned from the HRPS to pursue a lifelong dream of becoming a member of the RCMP. Since that time, including during his basic training at the Training academy, Sgt. Brar
has suffered ongoing racism, and retaliation for confronting this abuse.

             After completing his basic training, Sgt. Brar served in postings in Prince George B.C. and at  the Toronto Airport Detachment. At both of those postings, Sgt. Brar continued to face outrageous racial abuse
and retaliation!

             In 2003, Sgt. Brar was promoted to Cpl as an instructor at the Training Academy in Regina. Sgt. Brar
served as a great source of support for recruits who had their own experiences of racism during their training.
This we know from our own involvement with these recruits at the Training Academy.

             In 2003, Sgt. Brar was chosen to go to Sierra Leonne as a member of Canada’s U.N. policing Con-
tingent.  In Sierra Leonne, he performed superbly, as documented by reports and performance appraisals.
Nevertheless, he continued to experience the abuse of officials from the RCMP hierarchy. Two of his fellow
RCMP members bullied some of the local house staff, African Citizens, referring to them as “fucking niggers”,
“stupid fucking niggers”, and “stupid fucking bush monkeys”. When Sgt. Brar tried to bring this abuse to the attention of authorities, they failed to follow up on these serious issues.  Before Sgt. Brar finished his tour of duty in Africa, he was informed that his substantive position in the  Diversity Management branch at RCMP HQ
in Ottawa had been disbanded. Sgt. Brar was the only returning member from his tour of duty to not be placed into a job.

              Yes,  racism is alive and well in the RCMP. Canada’s national police force and identifying symbol is certainly NOT inclusive or safe.  Sgt. Brar, whose health and family continue to suffer the consequences of
this shameful behaviour, has further CHR Tribunal hearings scheduled for May 2008.   We know, only too well
the outrageous length of time that such processes take.  What Sgt. Brar and his family need NOW is ACTION!!

               WHAT MUST WE DO ?

               1)  Contact your MP and demand that the RCMP justly resolve this case with Sgt. Brar, without having
                    to continue with the costly, never ending Tribunal process.(there is some urgency to that action!
                2) Demand that a meaningful process be put in place within the RCMP to rid the force of their
                    accepted practices of denial, retaliation and silencing of anyone who dares to confront the
                    racism and sexism which is clearly rampant in the force.        

         Dr. Chander Grover’s case is clearly one  which shows how far the Government of Canada will
go to ensure that , as a nation, we are NOT INCLUSIVE and SAFE!!   

Dr. Grover is a Canadian scientist of East Indian origin who has been in a fight for equality in his employment with the National Research Council for the past TWENTY YEARS!!  Over that
time, the NRC has orchestrated  an exorbatantly expensive plan of harassment and discriminat-
ion against him, which was first contrived to destroy his then-highly successful research career in a leading technology field.  The NRC actions then advanced into overt acts of harassment and humiliation in the workplace, and then into organized attempts to adversly attack his pers-
onal well-being.

The NRC has already been condemned for their actions, TWICE, by a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, which found that it’s actions were racially motivated. The government subsequently lost appeals and other actions in courts and other jurisdictions. However, the
government has all the lawyers and an  unlimited source of our tax money to carry on such
unjust battles almost in definitely. AND CARRY ON THEY HAVE!!

Released documents show that the Auditor General of Canada, Sheila Fraser secretly
investigated his case and informed the then Minister for Industry, Ms. Lucienne Robillard,
that the consequences of a settlement with Dr. Grover could involve millions of dollars and a
guaranteed job for him. The former government opted instead to adopt a ” new management
approach” for Dr. Grover, which grossly intensified the adverse actions taken against him with
the specific purpose of causing serious harm to him.

As unbelievable as it seems, Ms Robillard created a publicly-funded working group to work on what they termed the “Grover Problem” . The goal of the working group ( as defined
by NRC documents) is to organize and step up actions against Dr. Grover. This government
working group, which includes members of the Privy Council Office and other government
agencies, was given resources to hire additional legal, human resources, and communications
experts from the private sector to pursue this “problem”.  The government working group , as per NRC documents, was focused on results:  (a)  fire Grover; and  (b) GROVER DIES— in
order to find a final solution to the Grover Problem.

The plan devised by this group subjected Dr. Grover to intensified harassment and
humiliation, threatening his health in every way. He was bombarded with unjust threats of insubordination, suspension and termination ( 80 times in one year alone, showing disregard for
his health, as noted in a 2005 labour board hearing. the following was imposed: he was indef-
initely suspended without cause, and then dismissed without cause, was locked out of his office, was threatened if he contacted his work colleagues, had his salary stopped, and the remedies of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and other legal agreements were unilaterally cancelled.

In the course of doing so, they were successful in creating a caustic and stressful work environment expressly designed to adversly affect his health; such as , Health Canada
has since advised NRC that it is an unsuitable place for him to work, for health reasons. As
opposed to fixing this stressful workplace environment, NRC responded by unfairly terminating
his employment. They also refused to accept the sickness notes issued by certified doctors
and threatened to levy disciplinary actions.

The NRC, with Government of Canada support, has and continues to flagrantly flout the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act and it’s own
policy in this regard.


The Grover case has been covered extensivly by media over the past several years.
You can find more information at the following sites:


!.)  Contact the Prime Minister and your MP and demand and end to the use of
your tax money for such shameful purposes , ( A letter from Dr. Grover to
the P.M. has so far gone unanswered) and ask that our human rights processes
be strengthened to the point that they are actually useful.


Praying for a toxic end?

This editorial in The Times of India says almost everything that no one in power wants to talk about:

Nuclear energy is toxic
21 Nov 2007, 0001 hrs IST,S H VENKATRAMANI

Amidst the chest-thumping over signing the Indo-US nuclear deal, we have turned a blind eye to the dangers of nuclear energy. We are celebrating our success in persuading the US to rescind its earlier sanctions against India.

The deal will give us access to state-of-the-art nuclear reactor technology. But we have forgotten that there is a very thin line separating nuclear reactor technology and nuclear weapons technology. We need to understand the dangers of using nuclear reactors.

Developed countries, particularly the US, are worried about growing international suspicion that North Korea and Iran are close to making their own nuclear bombs. If countries and sovereign governments cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons, we cannot ignore the possible threat of extremists and radical elements accessing nuclear reactor technology and making their own nuclear bombs. The present political crisis in Pakistan, for instance, opens up the possibility of such groups acquiring access to nuclear bombs.

What makes nuclear energy itself so dangerous is that every commercial nuclear reactor produces 400-500 pounds of plutonium in a year, along with other nuclear waste material. Just 10-20 pounds of plutonium is needed to make a bomb. An average nuclear reactor, therefore, produces enough plutonium waste to make 50 nuclear bombs in a year.

Lethally radioactive plutonium thus brings nuclear reactor technology dangerously close to nuclear weapons technology.


In Australia, a political candidate is urging voters to:

Pray for more uranium use: Tollner

An election forum in the marginal Top End seat of Solomon has heard that people should be praying Australia sells huge amounts of uranium to China.Incumbent Coalition candidate Dave Tollner used the forum to claim nuclear power is the only way to effectively tackle global warming. He was scathing about any policy that would see Australia reduce its uranium mining.

“We should be praying that China and India take as much of our uranium as possible to reduce their reliance on coal power. The fact is, the only way that we are going to produce ongoing baseload power… is to export as much of our uranium to them as possible.”

Ignorance and greed really do go hand in hand, don’t they?

And, finally, is DU the way out?

Can anything be done to halt the use of these genocidal weapons? Francis Boyle, Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois and author of The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence, thinks so. He has launched a campaign for a global pact against uranium weapons.

Boyle points out that the 1925 Geneva Protocol prohibits “the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases and of all analogous liquids, materials or devices.” Clearly, he says, DU is “analogous” to poison gas.

The government of France is the official depository for the 1925 Geneva Protocol. Boyle contends that rather than aiming for an international treaty prohibiting the use of DU, which would probably take years, pressure should be put on every state to submit a letter to the French government to enforce a ban.

“All that needs to be done is for anti-DU citizens, activists and NGOs in every country to pressure their foreign minister to write to their French counterpart, drawing attention to the Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare of 17th June 1925, prohibiting uses as above.”

The letter should add that this Protocol is believed to “already prohibit the use in war of depleted uranium ammunition, uranium armor plate and all other uranium weapons.” A request should be made that the letter be circulated to all other High Contracting Parties to the 1925 Protocol and addressed to:

His Excellency,

The Foreign Minister,

Republic of France,

37, Quai d’Orsay,

75351 Paris, France.

Or Fax: 33-1-43-17-4275.

Professor Boyle points out, “As the Land Mines Treaty demonstrates, it is possible for a coalition of determined activists and NGOs, acting in concert with at least one sympathetic state, to bring into being an international treaty to address humanitarian concerns.”


The Minister of Foreign Affairs in Canada is the Honourable Maxime Bernier [].

Nuclear Guardianship: We Need to Know

What we need to know as responsible citizens and what we need our politicians, the law-makers, to know

The Nuclear Guardianship Library

is intended to contribute to the political, technical and moral understandings required to keep radioactive materials from further contaminating the biosphere, in order to protect present and future generations.  We hope to provide opportunities for ongoing, in-depth discussion among citizens, specialists, and policy makers on the responsible care of radioactive materials.

The moral issues remain the same.

 Our most enduring legacy to future generations will be the radioactive materials generated over the last fifty years by nuclear power and weapons production, including structures and equipment contaminated at every step of the fuel cycle as well as all categories of waste. The toxicity of these materials, with their proven capacity to cause cancers, immune diseases, birth disorders, and genetic mutation, constitutes an unprecedented and monumental assault on organic life. To safeguard ourselves and future generations, all these contaminants must be kept out of the biosphere now and for thousands of years.

We who are living now, whether “pro-nuclear” or “anti-nuclear,” need to consider together how we are to isolate the radioactive materials we have produced. We need to consider our responsibility for their ongoing containment, and the immediate steps this guardianship requires of us.

A People’s Policy on Radioactive Waste  (Draft July 23, 2002)


The amount and danger of long-lasting environmental poisons produced in recent decades is unprecedented in human history. Since the beginning of the nuclear age, policy regarding all levels of radioactive waste has been set by the nuclear industry, the military and governments. Monetary gain, secrecy and militarism have consistently taken precedent over concerns about intergenerational equity, environmental and public health and spiritual well-being.

Any policy regarding nuclear waste must begin with an immediate halt to its production.

Future survival requires that we take full responsibility for nuclear waste and keep it within our sphere of control. Policy decisions must consider the health, safety and habitat of ALL living things and recognize the need for this most dangerous substance to be completely isolated from the environment for as long as it remains hazardous.

Presently, there is no scientifically sound, environmentally just or democratically defined solution to the disposal or storage of radioactive waste. Yet each day approximately ten tons of high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) is generated, which is one million times more radioactive than the original fuel. It is insanity to continue to use nuclear reactor technology that benefits only one or two generations while creating poisons that will threaten the next 12,000.

Workers exposed to uranium seek redress

From, a story that workers exposed to uranium in the USA are in the courts looking for compensation.  How long until Saskatchewan workers take to the courts?

Verizon hit with suit for ex-nuclear plant risks


Five employees of a magazine distribution company once located at a former nuclear-fuel plant in Hicksville will file a lawsuit today seeking to force Verizon Communications Inc. to pay medical-monitoring expenses tied to illnesses they fear they may develop from exposure to toxins at the site, their lawyers said last week.

The complaint, which the lawyers said will be filed in State Supreme Court in Brooklyn, accuses Verizon and its predecessor companies of “reckless” and “grossly negligent” operation of a facility that made nuclear fuel rods from uranium and other materials at a plant on Cantiague Rock Road. The plant, which was operated between 1952 and 1966 by Verizon predecessor Sylvania Electric Products Inc., routinely incinerated uranium scrap into the open air and dumped chemical toxins into the ground.

The workers are employed by Magazine Distributors Inc., a company that operated at the former Sylvania site from 1991 to 2002 and has since moved to Farmingdale. MDI is not named as a defendant.

The suit says the workers were exposed “on numerous occasions to hazardous and toxic substances” at the site, where they “inhaled, ingested, or otherwise absorbed” the toxins. As a result, they allege they are at an increased risk of developing “multiple forms of cancer and other serious life-threatening diseases.”

Lunn’s Costly New Fossil Fuel Plan

Another that almost slipped by the radar: Oil and Nuclear Power: Gary Lunns Costly New Fossil Fuel Plan :: PEJ News :: Stories, Features, Opinion and Analysis :: Peace, Earth & Justice News

Replacing CO2 spewing fossil fuels with radiation emitting nuclear power plants is simply replacing one irresponsible technology with another. The poison will have changed and that is all. The great irony here is that there is only enough viable uranium in the world to keep the industry going for 30 to 40 years which is hardly a sustainable answer to our energy crisis! (See Greenpeace Europe’s wonderful website for all the gory details.)

Gary Lunn and his boss, Stephen Harper, want to use nuclear energy to extract oil from the Alberta Tar Sands (it was cute when they changed the name to ‘oil sands’ to make it sound more valuable). So we are to waste billions on power plants to try get oil to fuel more power plants. To do this we need to build multiple oil pipelines across ecologically sensitive areas out to the most precious and delicate coastal environment you can imagine and ship oil down the coast in numbers we’ve never even imagined before.

Remember this?

“I can see those tankers sailing down, with Alaskan oil all schlurping ‘round
Now take a sip from Trudeau’s cup and leave our coast all fuddled-duddled up!”

That was Rolf Harris singing Vancouver Town in the ‘70s. We need to say No loud and clear in the next election, in fact we need to say no now because those with money and power are not waiting. They will roll right over us if we let them.

Thanks to While the Earth Burns for the lead.